Making Your Trade Show Presence Effective


At a trade show, your booth or table is your first opportunity to make an impression and attract the attention of the attendees. Your booth can be noticed from a distance and your setup could plan a major role in encouraging people to take notice and stop, or ignore your table and just walk on.

Your booth display needs to be neat, inviting and organized. Make sure that clutter has no room and it is easy to navigate your space and understand what your offerings are. Your products and services should always constitute the focus of your booth design while being the center of attention. Always make sure that how your present your offerings catches the attention and present an opportunity to start and generate a conversation with your prospects.

Engaging people as they walk by your booth is very crucial. You do not want to forceful in your approach but at the same time you want to make sure that you are offering the attendees enough incentive to get them to stick around. Passing a business card along with a promotional item could be a good place to start. Don’t forget that being nice and welcoming could go a long way leaving a lasting impression on the people you talk to.

Although the hours at a trade show could be long and tiring, it is very crucial that you stand as you welcome the attendees and try to engage them in a conversation. Looking someone in the eye as you approach them and introduce yourself will definitely entice people to take notice and stop.

David Kennedy