10 Fun Facts About Golf

As you learn more about golf as a sport, and golf balls as distinguished promotional items and trade show give-aways, we wanted to take a moment to share the following fun facts about golf and golf balls:

  1. 100 is the number of golf balls used by the average golfer through a one year period.

  2. Regardless of how long you use the golf balls, it could take up to five years for such ballsto lose their elasticity pending that they are in water and have been struck a lot.

  3. 1932 marked the year when there was standardization for the size (1.6810 inches) and the weight (1.620 ounces) of a golf ball.

  4. In the old days, golf balls were made of rubber; but even before then the first golf balls were constructed with leather stuffed with goose feathers.

  5. For those who believe that your golf clubs make the game, think again! The golf balls you use play an important part of how successful your game could turn out to be.

  6. There are three types of golf balls: two-piece, multi-layered and high-performance.

  7. The cover of a golf ball could be made of Surlyn, Balata, or Elastomer.

  8. The number of dimples on a golf ball can range from 400 to 1000.

  9. There are three different compressions for golf ball: 80 (lowest compression), 90 and 100 (tighter and harder core compression).

  10. There are over 5,000 patents granted for golf balls.

David Kennedy